1. Formative Marks:


Students can view their formative results in their grade block on Macci. The grade block shows the students’ formative results including the results for Test 1, Test 2, Assignment 1, Assignment 2, and Assignment 3.


Assignment 3 only gets marked when the summative (final exam) exam is marked, which means that your results for assignment 3 will only reflect/show on the grade book on the days when results are released as per the published timetable. (Please refer to this link to see the timetable).

Example of Grade Block on Macci


2. Exam Results:


Exam results are available on results release date in the reports section on the student portal.   The document, "Detailed Exam Results" will show the final summative mark (exam) and the final formative grade (from Macci). 

  • Classroom students receive their exam marks from their training provider 
  • Self-study and distance learners via the student portal.

 The summative results will NOT be accessible via the grade book or Macci.


Example of a Final result: