Students must have completed their full Portfolios by the PoE due date. Academic support for students is contingent on having both timeous and accurate data relating to students' academic activities. The MACCI platform allows Providers to ascertain the dates of activity as well as the completion rate of assessments for students.
Registered contacts on the MACCI platform can be enrolled against exams. Please see this article on how to register your staff onto Macci and the relevant student portfolio via the provider portal: Provider Access to MACCI
This enrolment will allow the provider contact to access a variety of student information as it pertains to the particular module / subject. Once registered against an exam, the provider will be able to see:
- A list of the students booked for a particular exam
- The completion rate per student of activities / assessments on MACCI
- Grades for formative activities
Formative activities:
- Individual formative attempts for Test 1, Assignment 1, Test 2 and Assignment 2 - including memos
- Individual Assignment 3 submissions
How to access the above information on a portfolios:
At the top right of the portfolios, you will find a formative grades block. In this block there are two available reports: COMPLETION REPORT and DETAILED REPORT
Reminder that ALL PoE activities must be completed by the PoE closing date. The students checklist for the relevant exam type MUST be at 100% to be complete and eligible for a final exam.
Completion report
The Completion report lists all students you have booked for exams for this specific subject. It will also show the following detail for each student:
1. Student Name
2. Student Email
3. Student exam group (this is the exam date the student is booked for)
4. The completion percentages for both checklists - you will only look at the checklist applicable to your student (i.e. look at the online checklist for online exam student and the paper checklist for paper exam students)
5. All activities in the portfolio - ticks indicate completion of the activity - remember to check the activities applicable to your student (i.e. look at the online activities for online exam student and the paper activities for paper exam students)
Example of Completion report:
Detailed report
The Detailed report lists all students you have booked for exams for this specific subject. It will also show the following detail for each student:
1. Student name
2. Results for all completed formative activities
Example of Details report:
The below refers to reviewing of formative results on Macci. Full final result after final exams are released to the provider portal as per the timetable.
Having access to student formative results in order to monitor performance is integral in being able to detect the need for and implement student academic support. Macci allows providers - both face-to-face and distance - to access the results for formative assessments. This will enable providers to ascertain where a student's skills or knowledge may be lacking.
Providers will be able to access student results on Macci for the following auto-marked formative assessments:
- Learning Phase 1: Assignment 1 and Test 1
- Learning Phase 2: Assignment 2 and Test 2
Assignment 3 is manual marked and results are released at the same time as the final exam results (see the ICB timetable for relevant dates).
Detailed report:
Reviewing individual attempts for auto-marked activities
You are able to review the students full attempt for auto-marked activities (Assignment1, Test1, Assignment 2, Test 2).
It is important to note that the formative assessment questions are randomised and so the questions for each student in an attempt will differ. This information allows for academic support in the way of individual feedback during plenary sessions where revision takes place.
In the details report you can click on any one of the automarked activities to review your students attempts at this activity.
Once in the activity, scroll down and click on "Attempts".
This will give you a list of all the students who attempted this activity.
Information included in this view:
- Date of completion
- Duration of attempt
- Grade for attempt
- Overview of marking per question
Because the questions are randomised, you will need to click on "review attempt" for an individual student to review their set of questions.
Reviewing submission for Assignment 3
Students are required to upload a completed and scanned PDF copy of their Assignment 3 before the PoE due date. Students are able to amend this submission as many times as needed as long as this is done before the PoE due date.
NOTE: If a student removes or amends their previous submission, they must remember to click save to ensure that the new submission is sent for marking.
The checklist with show this students activity as complete only once an upload has been completed.