All qualifications - regardless of the institution and qualification - have a final date of enrolment and final date of achievement for students. 

Final Date of Enrolment: This means that beyond a certain date, no new students can be enrolled on a  particular qualification. The last date of enrolment for NEW students on the South African Legacy qualification was 30 June 2024.

Final Date of Achievement: This means that up to a certain date, all students enrolled on a qualification have to achieve it, therefore no exam entries; assessments; tuition; or re-assessment will take place for that qualification after the final date of achievement. This date 2027/202

As an example, the ICB's Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting and Diploma: Financial Accounting both have a final date of enrolment of 30 June 2024. After this date, no new students may be accepted to study either of these qualifications. Any student who is registered on either (or both) of these qualifications has until 30 June 2028 to achieve/complete the qualifications. If a student does not achieve either of the qualifications by that point (30 June 2028) the studies and qualifications are forfeited.

It is important to remember that once a qualification is achieved, it cannot be revoked (taken away) regardless of whether the qualification itself gets de-registered.

The current status of each qualification can be viewed on the SAQA website