For lectures, tuition, training materials, textbooks, study guides and support, you can choose from over 500 ICB-accredited training providers across South Africa. They are all listed on our website here

There are two main ways to study ICB programmes:

  1. Classroom based (studying at a College): Most school leavers opt for this route, because they aren’t working yet or tied down with too many commitments. This can be done by full-time, part time or by video studies at the college.

  2. Distance Learning is the most flexible and affordable way to study while still getting support from a College. Register with a distance learning College and they will send you the tuition material you need for the courses you signed up for. As a distance learner, you will have access to the College’s helpline and support structures. You work through the material yourself, at your own pace, wherever you are. At the end of your course, you’ll sit your final exam at the ICB assessment centre nearest to you. 

NB: The ICB itself does not run courses – we run the exams (assessments) and award and certify students who pass them.  We only provide students with a Portfolio of Evidence, which must be filled with assignments and tests and handed in at your final exam.